Straight from the Source

“This was the incredible painting Jewish Community Centre had commissioned for us to remind us of our home these past few years and the place Canberra holds in our hearts.”
Rabi Alon Meltzer

“Thanks so much for doing such a beautiful job and bringing our memories alive for us to share with others.The painting is truly beautiful - I feel so moved to the point of crying. You have captured everything I could have imagined and more.”
Elenore Erikson

"Exciting times this morning in my office, the art has arrived! Going on our reception wall shortly! Valentina you are a legend! Thank you so much for this beautiful work, so much warmth, positive energy, light and shadows, will be commissioning more, I think! Kisses and hugs from tropical Cairns ”
Natasha Arens

"All your Arboretum paintings are beautiful, but this one really appeals to me especially. I will definitely come to your exhibition and buy more paintings!”